Trending money management apps for Android Phone

Have you ever been in a situation when you get your salary at the start of the month, you put a lot of efforts and plan the way you are going to spend that money and at the spending as per your need you are going to save a chunk of it for your future or emergencies in life but at the end you left with no money in your pockets?! Yes?? And it becomes a pain when you are not able to figure out where all the money went and how you are unable to track any records of the money you spent!

Yes, we know the pain and for the same reason we found out the way you can keep a track of your expenses and understand how and where you have spent your money and not only this but you can then figure out where you can cut down the expenses and avoid unnecessary spendings. There are too many apps available on the play store who can help you keep the track of not only your expenses but your income too. It tells you if you have spent too much on partying or entertainment or paying the bills of electricity or Internet! We used some of the apps which are trending on the play store and found out the best money management apps you can use according to us to track your expenses and save a chunk at the end of the month!

1. Goodbudget
Goodbudget App Android
Goodbudget App Android
Goodbudget is a simple looking and a basic money management app which keeps the track of your income and expenses with its basic feature that allows you to figure out how much you are earning and where exactly you are spending. The simple UI of this app keeps the app look sorted and helps the user to understand the functionality with ease which can be counted as a plus point of this app comparing some of the apps available on play store which seem complicated to use due to their ‘too many things on one screen’ UI. Some other useful feature of this app also makes it popular in users and one of the noticeable features of this app to mention here is it with this app you can export the data as CSV file, QFX (for Quicken) and for Microsoft users OFX (Microsoft money) and make your own database of your spendings every month to study personal finance at the end of the year. Some useful and simple feature like above are for free and the app provides you with some more pro features if you take a paid subscription to the app.
2. Google Spread Sheets
Google Sheets Android App
Google Sheets Android App
Do you have a Gmail account and are you very concerned about your financial security? Well, you can use the very own feature of Google, spreadsheet as you finance management app! Previously before the digital world, everyone used to keep the track of their expenses by noting it down on a piece of paper and Google Spreadsheets are the same thing just with a digital touch. Just fill the cells of these spreadsheets with your income and expenses and add up some Spreadsheet formulas and you are managing your personal finance. Not like other financial apps, Google Spreadsheets are totally free and doesn’t require the storage on your phone if you don’t want to download an app. You have an access of your Gmail id and you see your expense sheet with no hassle. Just not keeping expenses it provides you with many more functions which can help you in multiple ways. So are just a login away to experience the power of your Spreadsheets!
3. Mint
mint app android
mint app android

Have you used or heard of an app called Mint Bills? If you have then know that this is a replacement to the same app and its renamed as Mint. Both the apps are developed by the same company called Intuit who does TurboTax. This is an amazing app and popular among users which has a lot of and noticeable features. This app not only keeps the track of your income and expense but it manages your bill and even pays it for you automatically if you want to do so. It tells you your credit score and reminds you about your upcoming bill payments. Talking about the security, this app provides you multi-factor authentication and a web app that you can use. Curious what else this app can do for you? Download it from the link given below.

4. Monefy
monefy app android
monefy app android
If you like prefer apps which are not complicated and are easy to use over pro features? This app is for you. Monefy says that it is the app which you can use quickly and manage your money and in our opinion, the app does a pretty good job. In Monefy you get the features such as multiple currency support, a built-in calculator, password protection, Dropbox integration, multiple widgets and much more. This app has two versions including a free and a paid one. If you are looking for better and detailed functionality and features you have to buy a paid version for approx $2.50.
5. Wallet
Google wallet android
Google wallet android

Here, the app making company claims that they have created this app with a mission. They say with this app you can control your tumultuous financial situation as soon as possible. Like other apps, this app syncs your transactions and bank balance with your bank and provides the facility of account sharing where you can share the information with the one you want considering your accountant or a family member or a business partner etc. Talking about the additional features of this app, it supports various currencies, warranty tracking function, cloud syncing, has various temples and can hold your shopping lists. The app also allows you to export the data in multiple file types. Wallet has a Material Design interface and we must say it looks really decent so why not to have a look?

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